Test out donations

[give_form id=”1587″]


[give_form id=”1583″ show_title=”true” show_goal=”true” show_content=”none” display_style=”onpage”]



[give_form id=”1571″ show_title=”true” show_goal=”true” show_content=”above” display_style=”modal”]



[give_form_grid show_featured_image=”true” display_style=”modal_reveal” forms_per_page=”12″]


Have donors register or login ( easier for them to see receipts or donation history )




Edit their profile



Campaign Totals (input into specific pages like Youth Space page if we’re doing a YS upgrade)

[give_totals ids=”1583″ total_goal=”10,000″ message=”Hey! We’ve raised {total} of the {total_goal} we are trying to raise for this campaign!” link=”https://tutaki.org.nz/service/youth-space/” link_text=”Donate!” progress_bar=”true”]


Donation History



Donations Receipts

[give_receipt price=”true” donor=”true” date=”true” payment_key=”true” payment_method=”true” payment_id=”true”]


Progress Bar (input into pages)

[give_goal id=”1583″ show_text=”true” show_bar=”true”]